Saftey First THEA 1154 Tool Project
- Safety First BINGO Group Three THEA 1153
- Clamping Tools Machinists & Carpenter ViseVise1. something or someone that is legit2. to hold, press, or squeeze3. a tight grip, a "vise grip"4. vise = tight“the game last night was so vise, bro!”According to
- SAFTEY FIRSTWhen using the following Clamping Tools Wear Protective Eye Gear Wear Gloves/ Be Aware Maintain Tools Set up / Use Tools Properly
- Machinist VisePrimarily used on metal this vise hassteel faces with teeth to hold metal inplace. (It can be used for wood, but thisis not ideal without protective blocks, asthe teeth on the faces will mark thewood)
- Carpenters ViseA carpenters vise holds a piece of wood securelyin one place while the woodworker works with it.Without a vise of some kind, wood can slip whilethe carpenter is using a sharp tool, causing theproject to be ruined at best or the carpenter tobe injured at worst.